Jan 8, 2013

Put The Word Of God Into Your Heart

Easy ways to fill your heart will God's word

Some Christians wrongly say that they have to sin everyday and that they can not help from sinning. I disagree. The Holy Spirit that lives in Christians leads us and guides us. He convicts us of sin. We must walk in the spirit and not the flesh. This is the problem with many Christians. Also, if we have the word of God in our hearts we will not easily fall into sin. I love what King David said in Psalm 119:11,

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

This is absolutely true. If you have the word of God in your heart, if and when you're tempted to sin, the word of God stored in your heart will stop you, if you submit to God's spirit and his word.

We must walk in the spirit and we must have the word of God, his holy Bible in our hearts. Here are a few easy ways to put the Lord's word into your heart.

Play Bible scriptures when you go to bed. If you fall asleep before the CD or scriptures are finish, they will still be heard by your spirit and your conscious mind. 

Buy an inexpensive MP3 Player and download a free, complete King James Bible from the Internet. Then play it as you work or go about your day.

Get on a Bible reading plan and read the Bible everyday. Click "Bible Reading Plans" on the menu tab above to see some that I have created.

Many other Bible reading plans made by other people can be found online. Just do a Google search and you will find all kinds of Bible reading plans.

If you can't find one that is suited to you, there is a free Bible plan generator software program that can be downloaded. You can create a tailor made plan for yourself and others.

Nothing but good things and blessings can come from reading the word of God and putting it into your heart. Do as King David did. Hide God's word in your heart so that you will not sin against him.

Get the word of God into your heart today & everyday.

Jan 1, 2013

Start The New Year Right

Start the new year right. Get on a reading plan to read the entire King James Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Every year people make new year resolutions to lose weight, exercise regularly, learn a new language; you name it. The sad thing is that very few stick it out and keep their new year's resolutions.

As a Christian, you may have a resolution to have a closer relationship with God. What better way is there than to read God's love letters and instructions for our life here on earth?

We miss out on so much of what God has for us simply because we don't know his word. We need to learn his ways. We need to learn about the wonderful things he has planned for us now and also for when we make heaven. We also need to know his word so that we are not deceived or lead astray by fads, and gimmicks sold by false teachers who come out with a new book every few months.

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 2 Peter 2:3

There are so many reasons why we should read the entire King James Bible. It would benefit us greatly in more ways than we realize.

I will be reading through the entire King James Bible, from Genesis to Revelation this year. I personally had planned to do it in 90 days (3 months), but I will probably go with a 120 day (4 month) plan.

Anyone can download a PDF page of my 90 day Bible reading plan by clicking "Bible Reading Plans" on the menu tab above. We will also be posting a 120 day Bible reading plan shortly. I hope you will join me in reading through the entire the King James Bible this year. I'll post about my progress in future blog post.

Happy New Year!